Friday, March 20, 2009

Seriously...Spring has SPRUNG!

Hallelujah!!! There's light at the end of the snow encrusted tunnel!!!Spring has sprung and I can feel it in my's gonna be a great one! It looks as though this guy is a little apprehensive, not sure whether or not to really believe the snow is gone for good, even though he's sitting right in the middle of the flower bed. Michigan has a sneaky way sometimes of making you think spring is here and then the next day it will snow like crazy. I'm keeping the faith. Nothing makes me appreciate spring more than living here, I seem to notice the smallest of signs that something new is about to happen, starting with SEEING THE GROUND, tiny buds on the most lifeless plants, the sky is a different know....BLUE. I was witness to the biggest fattest and I'm assuming, most pregnant robin red breast of all time in my front yard yesterday. Three of them to be exact, but one was obviously octo-robin, which might be a normal thing for robins I'm not sure. I know they have a few at a time, but I'm not certain if eight is the actual number. The buds are swelling on my lilac bushes outside of my windows, one of the very first signs that there will be glorious renewed life in my gardens. Good-bye winter...don't let the door hit ya where the sun don't shine (literally)...see ya, wouldn't wanna be ya... Welcome spring...your room is ready!
You can see most of my art in MY GALLERIES at: or view my slide shows to the right. You can purchase my illustrated children's book "The Harp Mouse Chooses Her Home: The Adventure Begins" by Diane E Dunn and the companion mouse puppet, prints and original art or request commissions and at the same time have 10% of your purchase donated to animal charities here:

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