Monday, March 22, 2010

IF ~ Expire

Winter has finally expired...
time to enjoy SPRING!!!!

When you purchase an item from MY STORE, 10% of your purchase price will be donated to my favorite animal charities; Last Chance Animal Rescue and Horses Haven, both in lower MI. Which charity the donation goes to, will depend on the item purchased and I will love you forever from the bottom of my little black heart. ...and even if you don't purchase anything from me, you can go to their site and make a donation! They deserve a chance too!

Have a seat in the sun with a sippy and browse through the pages of my website ArtQwerks


k.h.whitaker said...

awwwww, he looks so sweet and happy, it's snowing here today! Where is the spring like weather?

Susan said...

Oh what a cutie Donna! So relaxed with those spring flowers, something I'd like to be doing right now! Happy Spring, Susan

theartofpuro said...

He's adorable!I love it,so sweet and relaxed:)

MrBibleHead said...

Hey Donna! I love him!! He looks like such a sweetie! Great colors and texture. Very nice work Donna.