Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Headed to breakfast

Headed to breakfast

...this for Illustration Friday. Hey, I make 'em up as I go along. This is my latest pet portrait commission. Only 29,874,987,785,975 more to go! YAY! ok...not really that many, I think I'm down to 6 ahead of me...I love every one of them! Keep 'em coming! When I wear out, or start the next book, I might get tired and stop the sale. Here's where you can find it...

When you purchase an item from MY STORE, 10% of your purchase price will be donated to my favorite animal charities; Last Chance Animal Rescue and Horses Haven, both in lower MI. Which charity the donation goes to, will depend on the item purchased and I will love you forever from the bottom of my little black heart. ...and even if you don't purchase anything from me, you can go to their site and make a donation! They deserve a chance too!

Have a seat in the sun with a sippy and browse through the pages of my website ArtQwerks


Di said...

CUTE! He looks hungry -want's his breakfast - NOW!
Good luck with your E-bay art sale!

Dave said...

Nice work. Great character in the face

k.h.whitaker said...

cute, nice work too

MrBibleHead said...

He is adorable Donna! Nice work!!

Robin said...

Refreshing change of perspective in a pet portrait! Love it! :) robinbirdpix.blogspot.com

theartofpuro said...

Wonderful painting!

Xiao Mei Lin said...

Very adorable painting. I like the rich colors and texture.