Saturday, June 28, 2008

Wishful Thinking

Do you ever feel like your creative life and your business life are just not in sync? Do you feel as though keeping up with the business side of creating gets in the way of just...CREATING! If this is the case for you, as it certainly is for me, try reading the following 32 page download. You'll be happy you did:

Click on link below for a free Time Management for Creative People download by Mark McGuinness: sent to me by my ever thoughtful friend and AMAZING fiber artist Mary Bajcz at SCRAP HAPPY Art and Bed Quilts, Jackets, Handbags and Totes, check out her website here: )

THANK YOU MARY!!! ...oh did I need this, because let's face it...sometimes things get really chaotic around here.

The above art is titled "Chaotic World," a pen and digital ink illustration from my fArCiCaL fOlK aRt SISTER series

...oh yeah...please don't' forget to check out the charity auctions in my previous posts!!!!

You can see most of my art in MY GALLERIES at: or view my slide shows to the right. You can purchase my prints and original art or request commissions and at the same time have 10% of your purchase donated to animal charities here:

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